Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Leah Ray and the Daisy Field

Here is one of my BEAUTIFUL best friends :) Leah, you are so sweet and bubbly and i just love you to bits! we've been talking forever about finding a field of wildflowers, and we found one! Although I'm still looking for a longer grassed field, but this was still perfect :) it fits her sweet personality perfectly! Thanks for doing these with me :)

open photos to make them clearer and larger

if you would like to have photos done by me, you can contact me at country_girl_at_heart93@yahoo.com (SENIORS 2012! start scheduling your senior sessions now! :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Kolbie's Senior Photos

Here's one of my best friends ever :) Kolbie and i met through church and he's been like a brother to me ever since! I cant believe we're already graduating :) Good luck after HS and you have to come visit me at WSU! Love you Kolbie! :)