Thursday, September 29, 2011

Alexa's Senior Photos

Here's Alexa's Senior Photos!! I was SO excited when she told me she wanted to have me do them. I've know her since like 3rd grade when her mom started working with my mom at Skyline! Now I'm already off at college and she's already a senior!! :)

Enjoy your senior year and your photos!!

Kaitie :)

(you can click on the photos to make them larger and clearer to upload to FB)

if you'd like to have me do some photos for you, check out my FB page or email me at!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Katelyn's Senior Photos

Here's another Lake Stevens 2012 Senior!!! :) this is definitely one of my most memorable photo shoots. We hiked around a huge field looking for a barn..... which no longer existed!! :P so we made the most of our time by tromping around in the golden grassy fields :)

Enjoy your senior year, Katelyn!! and thanks for choosing me to do your photos!! :)

(to copy the photos onto FB, or see them larger and clearer, click on them :)

if you'd like to have me do some photos for you, you can contact me at!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Elaine's Senior Photos

Here's another 2012 Senior!! I had so much fun with Elaine and her mom, going all around Everett looking for that perfect spot for some perfect photos, and i think we found alot! :) Oh i just love her eyes in every photo! I'm so jealous! :P

Thank you so much for choosing me to do your senior photos, and I hope you have an amazing Senior year!! :)

If you'd like to have me do some photos for you, you can contact me through my Facebook page or through my email :

(you can click on the photos to make them larger and clearer, do this if you are adding them on to FB)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ashley's Senior Photos

Here's another Lake Stevens High School, Class of 2012 Senior!! :) Such a beautiful girl and so sweet too!! Enjoy every second of your senior year and good luck in looking for colleges!!

If you'd like to have me do some photos for you, check out my facebook page or you can email me at

Thanks for having me do these for you, Enjoy! :)

(you can click on the photos to make them larger and clearer)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Chloe's Senior Photos

Here is one of the sweetest and most caring girls you will ever meet! She helped me and the rest of the team SO much with Relay for Life this year! :) 

Enjoy your Senior year! Live it up and take some time for YOU darling :) I cant wait to see where you go in life!

(you can click on the photos to make them larger and clearer)